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Chrome Extensions

MacOS Productivity

  • Bob: 翻译和 OCR
  • Obsidian: 非常灵活的写作工具,我将它和 iCloud 搭配
  • Magnet: 窗口管理
  • uTools: 一个多功能、现代化的工具平台
  • SwitchHosts: 管理 Hosts
  • Apifox: API 设计、开发、测试一体化协作平台
  • MacZip: 专门为 Mac 设计的解/压缩软件
  • Brew: Mac 和 Linux 平台的包管理器,缺点是不向下兼容低版本 MacOS


  • MacBook Pro 16' Intel Core i7 16GB
  • Monitor: WESCOM 27 4K IPS(颜色有些暗和偏色,总体还行只要八百)
  • Mouse: Logitech MX Anywhere 3 For Mac(连接 Mac 卡顿且不支持有线)
  • Keyboard:
    1. Keychron K3Pro(手感不错但是蓝牙连接 Mac 容易断连接)
    2. Keyverse infi75(手感太软而且太高了)
  • Chair: 广东省省凳
  • GameController: PS5 PlayStation DualSense(蓝牙不支持震动和自动扳机)

Language / Framework

  • Java
  • TypeScript
  • Golang
  • Rust (future)
  • Axum: rust 社区的 web 开发框架,非常简单方便
  • NextJS: React 顶层框架非常方便我很喜欢 配合 Vercel 将是绝杀
  • NextUI: Vercel 开源的 UI 库,非常好看,但是有些东西还是要折腾
  • Tailwindcss 一个流行的样式库,也是非常好用的,但是代码也是真的难看,个人项目推荐 UnoCSS

你现在在看的这个网站就是基于 NextJS + NextUI + Tailwindcss 开发的,并且部署在 Vercel

Vim Shortcuts for vscode

  • Leader: Set the space key as the leader key.
  • Half-screen: K Scroll up half a screen. J Scroll down half a screen.
  • Fist non-blank: H go to the first non-blank character of the line.
  • End of Line: L go to the end of the current line.
  • Rename: <leader> + r Enter to Rename.
  • Save: <leader> + w Save the file.
  • ShowHover: <leader> + k Triggers the showHover command, displaying hover information for the symbol under the cursor.
  • To previous marker: [ + e Triggers the editor.action.marker.prev command, navigating to the previous marker in the current buffer.
  • Delete function: <leader> + d Trigger delete-function.deleteFunction action provided by the cuixiaorui.delete-function plugin to delete the function under the current cursor.
  • Toggle boolean: <leader> + i Change true to false or false to true.
  • Go to definition: <leader> + b Trigger the editor.action.revealDefinition command.
  • Close editor/group: <leader> + q Close the group or active editor.



  • Genshin Impact - UID 146437345 快来跟我一起玩
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